Clinical Microbiology


Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth, Mossel (Harmonized)** Used for isolation and cultivation of Enterobacteriaceae from pharmaceutical products in accordance with microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/JP/IP. 90107150 100mL
MacConkey Broth (Harmonized)** Used for isolation and cultivation of coliforms from pharmaceutical products in accordance with microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/JP/IP. 90107251 100mL
Reinforced Medium For Clostridia (Harmonized)** A medium used for cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia from pharmaceutical products in accordance with microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/JP/IP. 90107152 100mL
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (Harmonized)** Used for isolation and cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric bacteria from pharmaceutical products in accordance with microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/JP/IP. 90107153 100mL
Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth (Harmonized) III** Used for isolation and cultivation of Enterobacteriaceae from pharmaceutical products in accordance with microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/JP/IP in wide mouth bottle. 90107154 100mL
SafeshieldTM-VLTM (Viral Lysis Transport Medium)** Recommended for collection, inactivation and transport of clinical specimens containing viruses and bacteria from the collection site to the testing laboratory. It is ideally suited for molecular testing of microbial RNA and DNA employing amplification tests. 90107255 50 Tests
Viral Transport Kit I *** Kit consists of 3 mL of Viral Transport Medium in 15 mL screw cap centrifuge tube with conical bottom and sterile nasopharyngeal swab flocked with nylon microfibers, recommended for collection and transport of viruses. 90107156 50 Tests
Viral Transport Kit II *** Kit consists of 3 mL of Viral Transport Medium in 15 mL screw cap centrifuge tube with conical bottom and sterile throat swab flocked with nylon microfibers, recommended for collection and transport of viruses. 90107157 50 Tests
Viral Transport Kit III** Kit consists of 3 mL of Viral Transport Medium in 15 mL screw cap centrifuge tube with conical bottom and sterile nasopharyngeal + throat swab flocked with nylon microfibers, recommended for collection and transport of viruses. 90107257 50 Tests
Viral Transport Medium ** Recommended for collection and transport of viruses. 90107258 50 Tests
Viral Transport Medium ***   90107158 50 Tests
BHI supplemented with 0.05% SPS** For qualitative detection of microorganisms in blood 90107159
Glucose Broth supplemented with 0.05% SPS** For qualitative detection of microorganisms in blood 90107360
Soyabean Casein Digest Broth- Supplemented with 0.05% SPS** For qualitative detection of microorganisms in blood 90107161
Colorcult™ Aerobic Culture Vial** Colorcult™ Culture Vials used for detection of significant pathogenic microorganisms in Blood and other body fluids. 90107560 25x30 ml
Colorcult™ Anaerobic Culture Vial** Colorcult™ Culture Vials used for detection of significant pathogenic microorganisms in Blood and other body fluids. 90107460 25x30 ml
Colorcult™ Paediatric Culture Vial** Colorcult™ Culture Vials used for detection of significant pathogenic microorganisms in Blood and other body fluids. 90107660 25x40 ml
INSTAPREP® Nutrient Agar** A medium used for cultivation of a wide variety of less fastidious microorganisms which can be enriched by the addition of blood or other biological body fluids. 90107162

INSTAPREP® MacConkey Agar** A medium used for selective isolation and differentiation of coliforms and other enteric pathogens. 90107163

INSTAPREP® Mueller Hinton Agar** A medium used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of common and rapidly growing microorganisms by the disc diffusion technique. 90107164

INSTAPREP® Sabouraud Dextrose Agar** A medium used for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric bacteria. 90107165 20X15mL
INSTAPREP® Salmonella Shigella Agar** A medium used for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and some Shigella species from pathological specimens and suspected food stuffs. 90107166 20X15mL
Easybact®* Differential, semi-quantitative bacteriuria collection and screening system. 90107167 12 Tests
Carbol Fuchsin Strong ( 1% )** Used as a dye to detect acid fast bacteria. 90107169
Catalase Detection Kit* For differentitation of isoniazide resistant strains of M.tuberculosis and M.gastri from genus mycobacterium based on catalase activity 90107170 20 Tests
Combicult®* Ready to use, combipack of solid & liquid medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolation. 90107171 One Set
Lyfectol®* Mucolytic, disinfectant, specimen pretreatment and buffering system for AFB staining & culture. 90107172 12 Tests
Mycocult®* Ready to use, L.J. solid medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolation. 90107174 6 slants
Mycocult® PY* Ready to use, Lowenstein Jensen solid medium with sodium pyruvate for Mycobacterium bovis isolation. 90107175 6 slants
PNB Sensitivity Test* Ready to use L.J. solid media with para nitro benzoic (PNB) acid for differentiating primary isolates into M.tuberculosis complex and non tuberculous mycobacteria. 90107178 6 Tests
Sensicult® Primary* Ready to use Lowenstein Jensen solid media containing five primary drug panels (Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampin, Streptomycin and Pyrazinamide) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity test. 90107179 One Set
Sensicult® Secondary (6 drugs)* Ready to use Lowenstein Jensen solid media containing six secondary drug panels (para-Aminosalicyclic acid, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, D-cycloserine, Kanamycin and Ethionamide) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity test. 90107180 One Set
Sensicult® Secondary (10 drugs)* Ready to use Lowenstein Jensen solid media containing ten secondary drug panels (para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Kanamycin, Ethionamide, Pefloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Rifabutin, Levofloxacin and Ofloxacin) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity test. 90107181 One Set
Sensicult® Secondary 2.0 (10 drugs)* Ready to use Lowenstein Jensen solid media containing ten secondary drug panels (para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Kanamycin, Ethionamide, D-cycloserine, Lomefloxacin, Rifabutin, Clarithromycin and Ofloxacin) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity test. 90107182 One Set
Sensicult® Secondary 3.0 (10 drugs)* Ready to use Lowenstein Jensen solid media containing ten secondary drug panels (para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Pefloxacin, Amikacin, Kanamycin, Ethionamide, D-cycloserine, Levofloxacin, Rifabutin, Clarithromycin and Ofloxacin) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity test. 90107183 One Set
Sensivue® Primary* (Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampin, Streptomycin) Drug Susceptibility Testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a Nitrate Reductase Assay Using Proportion Method. 90107184 One Set
Sensivue® Secondary (10 drugs)* Sensivue® Secondary is a ready to use Lowenstein Jensen nitrate substrate media incorporated with ten secondary drugs (para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Kanamycin, Ethionamide, Pefloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Rifabutin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin) for Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a Nitrate Reductase Assay using Proportion Method. 90107185 One Set
Tween 80 Hydrolysis* Biochemical test for differentiation of saprophytic species of mycobacteria. 90107186 100 Tests
Enterobacteriaceae Identification Test Kit* A panel of 12 tests for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae species (Kit contain sterile medium for Indole Test, Methyl Red Test, Voges Proskauer Test, Citrate Utilization Test and 8 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Adonitol, Arabinose, Lactose, Sorbitol, Mannitol, Rhamnose, Sucrose). Reagents supplied with the Kit: Kovac's reagent, Methyl Red Indicator, Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine. 90107187 1 Kit (1 test)
IMViC Test Kit* Used for differentiation and identification of Enterobacteriacea species. 90107188 1 Kit (1 test)
Gram- Negative Bacteria Identification Test Kit* A panel of 13 tests for identification of Gram-negative rods (Kit contains sterile medium for Lysine Decarboxylase Test, Ornithine Decarboxylase Test, Urease Detection, Phenylalanine Deaminase Test (TDA), Nitrate Reduction, H2S Production, Oxidase Detection, Citrate Utilization Test and 5 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Adonitol, Arabinose, Lactose, Sorbitol). Reagents supplied with the kit: TDA Reagent, Nitrite Detection Strip, Zinc Dust, Gordon McLeod Reagent (Oxidase Reagent). 90107189 1 Kit (1 test)
Staph Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Staphylococcus species (Kit contains sterile medium for Alkaline Phosphatase Detection, Voges Proskauer Test, ONPG Test, Arginine Dihydrolase Test, Urease Detection, and 7 different carbohydrates-Arabinose, Lactose, Mannitol, Sucrose, Raffinose, Trehalose, Maltose). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine. 90107190 1 Kit (1 test)
Strep Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Streptococcus species (Kit contains sterile medium for Esculin Hydrolysis, Voges Proskauer Test, Arginine Dihydrolase Test, PYR Test, ONPG Test and 7 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Arabinose, Sorbitol, Mannitol, Sucrose, Raffinose, Ribose). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine, PYR Reagent. 90107191 1 Kit (1 test)
Candida Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Candida species (Kit contains sterile broth for Urease detection and 11 different carbohydrates-Melibiose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose, Raffinose, Galactose, Trehalose, Cellobiose, Inositol, Xylose, Dulcitol). 90107192 1 Kit (1 test)
Neisseria Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Neisseria species (Kit contains sterile medium for Urease Detection, Voges Proskauer Test, Oxidase Detection, Catalase Detection, Nitrate Reduction Test, ONPG Test and 6 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose, Fructose, Mannose). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine, Gordon McLeod Reagent (Oxidase Reagent), Nitrite Detection Strip, Zinc Dust. 90107293 1 Kit (1 test)
E.coli Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of E. coli (Kit contains sterile medium for Indole Test, Methyl Red Test, Voges Proskauer Test, Citrate Utilization Test, Glucuronidase Test, Nitrate Reduction Test, ONPG Test, Lysine Decarboxylase Test and 4 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Lactose, Sucrose, Sorbitol). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine, Methyl Red Indicator, Nitrite Detection Strip, Zinc Dust, Kovac's Reagent. 90107194 1 Kit (1 test)
Salmonella Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for the identification of Salmonella species (Kit contains sterile medium for Methyl Red Test, Voges Proskauer Test, Citrate Utilization Test, Urease Detection, H2S Production, ONPG Test, Lysine Decarboxylase Test and 5 different carbohydrates-Arabinose, Lactose, Maltose, Sorbitol, Dulcitol). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine, Methyl Red Indicator. 90107295 1 Kit (1 test)
Listeria Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Listeria species (Kit contains sterile medium for Esculin Hydrolysis, Voges Proskauer Test, Nitrate Reduction Test, Methyl Red Test, Catalase Detection and 7 different carbohydrates-Glucose, Xylose, Lactose, Mannitol, Rhamnose, α-Methyl-D-Mannoside, Ribose). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A, Barritt Reagent B and Creatine, Methyl Red Indicator, Nitrite Detection Strip, Zinc Dust. 90107196 1 Kit (1 test)
 Vibrio Identification Kit* A panel of 20 tests for identification of Vibrio species (Kit contains sterile medium for Indole Test, Voges Proskauer Test, ONPG Utilization, Citrate Utilization Test, Urease Detection, Nitrite Detection, Ornithine Decarboxylase Test, Lysine Decarboxylase Test, Arginine Dihydrolase Test, 0% Salt Tolerance Test, 3% Salt Tolerance Test, 6% Salt Tolerance Test, 8% Salt Tolerance Test, 10% Salt Tolerance Test and 6 different carbohydrates-Amygdalin, Glucosamine, Sucrose, Arabinose, Mannitol, Melibiose). Reagents supplied with the kit: Barritt Reagent A ,Barritt Reagent B, Kovac’s Reagent, Nitrate Detection Strip and Zinc Dust. 90107297 1 Kit (1 test)
Lactobacillus Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Lactobacillus species (Kit contains sterile medium for Esculin Hydrolysis, Catalase Detection and 10 different carbohydrates-Xylose, Cellobiose, Arabinose, Maltose, Galactose, Mannose, Melibiose, Raffinose, Sucrose, Trehalose). 90107198 1 Kit (1 test)
Bifidobacterium Identification Kit* A panel of 12 tests for identification of Bifidobacterium species (Kit contains sterile medium for Catalase Detection and 11 different carbohydrates-Arabinose, Cellobiose, Fructose, Lactose, Maltose, Mannose, Melibiose, Raffinose, Salicin, Sucrose, Xylose). 90107199 1 Kit (1 test)
Rapid Gram Screening Kit Rapid method that aids in distinguishing Gram-negative from Gram-positive bacteria. 90107200 1 Kit (100 tests)
Barritt Reagent A* For Voges Proskauer (VP) Test. 90107210 100ml
Barritt Reagent B* For Voges Proskauer (VP) Test. 90107201 100ml
Oxidase Reagent (Gordon McLeod Reagent)* An oxidase reagent to detect the presence of an enzyme cytochrome oxidase found in some bacteria. 90107202 100ml
Kovac’s Indole Reagent** For Indole Test, particularly useful in the identification of E.coli. 90107203 100ml
Methyl Red Indicator* To detect the ability of an organism to produce and maintain stable acid end products formed from glucose fermentation 90107204 125ml
Mastindex®** For early detection of sub-clinical Mastitis. 90107205 500mL
Nitrite Detection Kit** For differentiating and identifying various types of bacteria by their ability to reduce nitrate. 90107206 1 Kit (25 tests)
PYR Reagent* For detection of pyroglutamate aminopeptidase activity in group A Streptococci and Enterococci. 90107207 10ml
TDA Reagent* For phenylalanine deamination reaction in differentiating Proteus from other members of Enterobacteriaceae. 90107208 10ml
Bouin's Fixative Used as a fixative for Histological specimens. 90108131 500 mL
Buffered Formalin 10% Used as routine fixative for fixing cytological or histological specimens. 90108132 500 mL
Cytofix fixative Commonly used fixative for Cytological specimens. 90108133 50 mL
Formal Saline Used for routine histopathology. 90108134 500 mL
Hayem's (RBC Diluting ) Fluid Diluting fluid for RBC count. 90108137 500 mL
Immersion Oil Used in light microscopy, to increase the resolution of microscope. 90108138 90108038 25 mL
100 mL
DPX Mountant Used for preserving stains in specimen slides. 90108039 100 mL
Phosphate Buffer (pH 7) Ready to use buffering solution used in routine staining techniques. 90107217 90107517 250 mL
500 mL
Scott's Tap Water Buffer Ready to use buffering solution used in cytological staining techniques. 90107318 90107218 30 mL
250 mL
WBC Diluting Fluid Diluting fluid for WBC count. 90108139 500 mL
Weiss buffer Buffer for staining. 90108140 10 mL
Sterispread™ Gamma-Irradiated sterile disposable L-spreader. Stick Size : 158 mm Spreader Size : 57 mm Individual Packaging 90106100 100 Nos.
Steristik® Gamma-Irradiated sterile cotton bud with polypropylene stick. Swab Stick Size : 135 mm Individual Packaging 90116100 100 Nos.
Steritrans™ Gamma-Irradiated sterile polypropylene tube, cotton bud with polypropylene stick. Total length of the Tube Size : 168 mm Swab Stick Size : 135 mm Type of Cap : Red colour push lock cap Individual Packaging 90126100 100 Nos.
Steritrans™-E Ethylene Oxide sterile polypropylene tube, cotton bud with polypropylene stick. Total length of the Tube Size : 168 mm Swab Stick Size : 135 mm Type of Cap : Yellow colour push lock cap Individual Packaging 90136100 100 Nos.
Steriloop®-1 Gamma-Irradiated sterile 1 µL inoculation loop with stabber tip. Stick Size : 191 mm Outer Diameter of the Loop : 3 mm Individual Packaging 90146100 100 Nos.
Steriloop®-10 Gamma-Irradiated sterile 10 µL inoculation loop. Stick Size : 194 mm Outer Diameter of the loop : 6.53 mm Individual packaging 90156100 100 Nos.
Nyflock™ Gamma-Irradiated Nylon microfibers flocked swab with breakpoint. Type of Stick : Polypropylene Swab Stick Size : 152 mm Individual Packaging 90166100 100 Nos.
Nyflock™ II Gamma-Irradiated nylon microfibers Flocked swab, recommended for nasopharyngeal and urethral collection with breakpoint. Type of Stick : Polypropylene Swab Stick Size : 155 mm Individual Packaging 90176100 100 Nos.
Poly-E Swab™ Gamma-Irradiated Polyester/Dacron foam tipped swab, thermally bonded with polypropylene stick. Swab Stick Size : 109 mm Individual Packaging 90186100 100 Nos.
125 mL Polycarbonate Bottle(Gamma-Irradiated) Gamma-Irradiated sterile polycarbonate bottle. 90187100 100 Nos.
250 mL Polycarbonate Bottle(Gamma-Irradiated) Gamma-Irradiated sterile polycarbonate bottle. 90188100 100 Nos.
Anaerobic Culture Jar Polycarbonate transparant jar, lid fitted with pressure gauge safety valve and 'O" rind gasket (Includes catalase and stainless steel Petri Dish rack) Capacity -2.8 L 90107401 1 No.
Anaerobic Culture Jar II Polycarbonate transparent jar with sturdy lid (Includes stainless steel Petri Dish rack) Capacity-3.5 L 90107501 1 No.
Anaerobic Container Polycarbonate transparent container with gasket and uniquely designed clamping system that can hold 18 plates for anaerobic testing. 90107601 1 No.
Anaerobic Gas Pack*   90107710 1 Pack
(10 Nos)
Anaerobic Indicator Strip     90107705 1 Pack
(5 Nos)
Anaerobic Test Tube Rack   90107701 1 No.
Catalase for Anaerobic Jar   90107805 1 Pack
(5 Nos)

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